Robert Lighthouse onsdag 5 mars på Amici Nostri!
Stockholms Bluesförening kan stolt presentera Robert Lighthouse på Amici Nostri, Ringvägen 104. Entré 100 kr, medlemmar 80 kr. det går bra att köpa i förköp swisha 1230309468. Skriv entré och datum. Tid 19-21. Välkomna!
Robert Lighthouse från Sverige bor i Washington DC. Han åker snart till Ukraina på sin 5:e turné sedan den fullskaliga invasionen 2022.
Här är vad Kom Bar i Göteborg skrev:
Robert Lighthouse, göteborgaren som i vanliga fall bor i Washington DC,
stod för lysande solokonsert i fredagskväll med äkta, oförställd,
autentisk blues och Robert bjöd även på nyskrivna fina bluesiga låtar
från sina turnéer/resor i Ukraina.
Robert Lighthouse, a native of Sweden, first came to the United States at the age of 18, determined to learn more about the music he loves – Mississippi Delta Blues. For eight years he traveled around the country visiting blues Meccas like Chicago’s famed Maxwell Street and New Orleans, the cradle of the blues. He settled in Washington, DC in 1988 and established a cult following as a street musician. He toured Belgium and Holland with the Charlie Sayles Band and then landed his own steady gig at City Blues Cafe in D.C.
Robert has represented the DC area at the Blues Foundation IBC’s twice, once with his band and once as a solo. His critically acclaimed debut CD, Drive-Thru Love, was released in 1998. His long awaited follow up Deep Down in the Mud was released in the summer of 2007 and also has received much critical acclaim.
Robert’s simultaneous work on guitar and harmonica has received rave reviews in major blues publications throughout the United States, Europe and Australia. He has been called the second coming of the late Dr. Ross.
What has been said:
”…plays delta blues like the great masters” – HOHNER HARMONICA CO
”A supremely talented bluesman / mercurial talents” – BLUES & RHYTHM MAGAZINE
”Consummate skill / stunning harmonica chops” – BLUES REVIEW
”Dexterous guitar and awesome harp tone” – BALTIMORE BLUES SOCIETY
Robert Lighthouse från Sverige bor i Washington DC. Han åker snart till Ukraina på sin 5:e turné sedan den fullskaliga invasionen 2022.
Här är vad Kom Bar i Göteborg skrev:
Robert Lighthouse, göteborgaren som i vanliga fall bor i Washington DC,
stod för lysande solokonsert i fredagskväll med äkta, oförställd,
autentisk blues och Robert bjöd även på nyskrivna fina bluesiga låtar
från sina turnéer/resor i Ukraina.
Robert Lighthouse, a native of Sweden, first came to the United States at the age of 18, determined to learn more about the music he loves – Mississippi Delta Blues. For eight years he traveled around the country visiting blues Meccas like Chicago’s famed Maxwell Street and New Orleans, the cradle of the blues. He settled in Washington, DC in 1988 and established a cult following as a street musician. He toured Belgium and Holland with the Charlie Sayles Band and then landed his own steady gig at City Blues Cafe in D.C.
Robert has represented the DC area at the Blues Foundation IBC’s twice, once with his band and once as a solo. His critically acclaimed debut CD, Drive-Thru Love, was released in 1998. His long awaited follow up Deep Down in the Mud was released in the summer of 2007 and also has received much critical acclaim.
Robert’s simultaneous work on guitar and harmonica has received rave reviews in major blues publications throughout the United States, Europe and Australia. He has been called the second coming of the late Dr. Ross.
What has been said:
”…plays delta blues like the great masters” – HOHNER HARMONICA CO
”A supremely talented bluesman / mercurial talents” – BLUES & RHYTHM MAGAZINE
”Consummate skill / stunning harmonica chops” – BLUES REVIEW
”Dexterous guitar and awesome harp tone” – BALTIMORE BLUES SOCIETY